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Armenian crimes: Genocide. Deportation. Terror

The electronic publication “Armenian crimes: Genocide. Deportation. Terror” presented to the internet users in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages, is compiled on the basis of archival documents, materials of periodicals and articles of certain researchers. The materials compiled in the electronic publication prove that, the real genocide was committed in the years 1905-1906, during the First World War and in 1918-1920 in the Eastern Anatolia and in the territory of Azerbaijan against the Turkic - Muslim population. 
The electronic publication consists of seven chapters. The resource contains full texts of books and articles in different languages, books and abstracts on the subject of the project, as well as a bibliography of articles selected from newspaper and journal articles. 

Qarabağ konflikti ABŞ-ın qlobal siyasəti kontekstində
  • İsmayılov Füzuli Cahangir oğlu
  • Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası NPB
  • 2001
Правовые аспекты Нагорно-Карабахского конфликта
  • Мусаев Тофик Фуад оглы
  • Шарг-Гарб
  • 2001
Терроризм: причина и следствие
  • Асадов Сабир Джалал оглы, Мамедов Исрафил Сулейман оглы
  • Изд-во Азербайджан
  • 2001
I Dünya Savaşı Esnasında "Azerbaycan Türkleri"nin "Anadolu Türkleri"ne "Kardaş Komeği (Yardımı)" ve Bakü Müslüman Cemiyet-i Hayriyesi
  • Aslan Betül
  • Düş Atelyesi
  • 2000
Tariximizin faciəli səhifələri: soyqırımı
  • Azərbaycan Respublikası Milli Məclisinin nəşri
  • 2000
The Great War and The Tragedy of Anatolia: Turks and Armenians in the Maelstrom of Major Powers
  • Sonyel Salahi
  • Turkish Historical Society Printing House
  • 2000
Геноцид против мусульманского населения Закавказья в исторических источниках
  • Халилов Аслан Хасы оглы
  • Азернешр
  • 2000
Правда о терроре: армянский терроризм - истоки и причины
  • Файгл Эрих
  • Азернешр
  • 2000
Armenian and Russian Oppressions: 1914-1916: Testimonies of Witnesses
  • Ilter Erdal
  • Köksav
  • 1999
Armenian Massacres in Van, Bitlis, Muş and Kars Interwiev With Witnesses
  • Süslü Azmi, Öğün Gülay, Serdar Törehan
  • Koksav
  • 1999
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