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Zarifa Aliyeva

This electronic resource comprises the life and activity of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva, Honored scientist, doctor of medical sciences and academician, is available to the users.
The materials of the e-resource are compiled in 8 sections. The section “Biography” gives brief information about the life of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva and his family members, also the significant moments of her scientific and public activities are widely covered in this section. The “Chronology” section of the electronic resource analyzes her life path as a scientist and her achievements in the field of ophthalmology. The section “Official documents” presents documents on the perpetuation of the memory of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva. The “Perpetuation of his memory” section reflects the events in chronological order.
“E-Books” section contains electronic versions of books written about her and authored by her. “E-Articles” sections envisages electronic versions of articles by individual authors about the life and activity of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva. “Bibliography” section comprises the bibliographic descriptions of books and articles written about her and authored by her. “Photogallery” section provides images describing different moments of her life.

Turan qılıncı
  • Məmmədov Cabbar Manaf oğlu
  • 2023
Bir ömrün imzası - Zərifə Əliyeva
  • 2019
Akademik Zərifə xanım Əliyeva-95
  • Kərimov Kərəm Təbriz oğlu
  • Apostrof
  • 2018
Nurlu ömrün salnaməsi: Zərifə Əliyeva-95
  • 2018
Zərifə Əliyeva
  • Mirələmov Hüseynbala Fazil oğlu
  • Nurlar NPM
  • 2018
Zərifə Əliyeva: biblioqrafiya
  • 2018
Yanar qəlb...
  • R. Bahar Sonam
  • Elm və təhsil
  • 2016
Азиз Алиев и Дагестан
  • Абдулатипов Рамазан
  • Дагестанский писатель
  • 2016
Seçilmiş əsərləri: VII cild: Xalq və dövlət naminə
  • Xudiyev Nizami Manaf oğlu
  • Elm və təhsil
  • 2014
Əsrimizin sevgilisi: sənədli poema
  • Hüseynli Əlizamanlı
  • MBM
  • 2014
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