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Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

A digital project is a valuable source of information for those who learn the historic heritage of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic existed for 23 months during the years 1918-1920 and entered into the history as the first secular, democratic State in the Islamic East. 
The digital resource consists of 8 main sections and 21 subsections. The resource gives a detailed account of significant historical events happened on the eve of establishment of the Democratic Republic, as well as in a period of its existence.
The project provides extensive information about the establishment, activities, symbols and attributes, also founders of the ADR and reflects E-books, E-articles, maps and photo archive. The “Documents” section envisages Declaration of Independence, the Law on the Establishment of the Parliament, the Resolution on the Collapse of the ADR and orders, decisions, speeches and appeals relating to the ADR. The bibliographic descriptions of articles, books and abstracts are collected in chronological order in the “Bibliography” section.

Naxçıvanda erməni - Azərbaycan münaqişəsi
  • Cəfərli Elman Yusif oğlu
  • Nurlan
  • 2009
Türk dünyası XX əsrdə
  • İsmayılov İsrafil Zakir oğlu
  • Vətən
  • 2009
Vətəndaş və tarix: tarixin olaylarında
  • İbrahimov İrşad Xanhüseyn oğlu
  • Qanun
  • 2009
Мамед Эмин Расулзаде: 1884-1955
  • Балаев Айдын Гусейнага оглы
  • Флинта
  • 2009
Март 1918 г. Баку: Азербайджанские погромы в документах
  • 2009
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic: Great Britain's Archive documents
  • Chashioglu
  • 2008
Azərbaycan dövlətçilik fəlsəfəsi
  • Əhmədli Rafail Ayvaz oğlu
  • Nurlan
  • 2008
Azərbaycan Paris Sülh Konfransında: 1919-1920
  • Ozan
  • 2008
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Parlamenti
  • Əsədov Oqtay Sabir oğlu, Cəbrayılov Rafael Kamil oğlu
  • Çaşıoğlu
  • 2008
Azərbaycan tarixi: VI cild: aprel 1920 - iyun 1941
  • Elm
  • 2008
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