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Diplomacy of Azerbaijan

The staff of Presidential Library have prepared and presented the electronic resource “Diplomacy of Azerbaijan” to internet users in order to highlight and popularize the arduous historical path the Azerbaijani diplomacy got through. This resource is of great importance in studying and popularizing Azerbaijani statehood traditions, its specific glorious chapters, national symbols and attributes, also the history of diplomacy - the particular page of Azerbaijani statehood history.
The E-Resource dealing with the history of diplomacy of Azerbaijan consists of the “General Information” and “History of Diplomacy” chapters which include the historical path the Azerbaijani diplomacy got through from the ancient times to the present day. It keeps track of the materials and documents assigned to the historical period of ADR, the Soviet period, the period of independence and Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
The chapter entitled “Conventions” of the E-resource contains the full texts of conventions and agreements which the Republic of Azerbaijan has joined. The E-Resources section comprise the electronic versions of books in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages and full texts of selected newspaper and journal articles.
The last chapter of the E-Resource entitled “Bibliography” includes the bibliographies of books, articles and abstracts on foreign policy, international relations and diplomacy contained in the stock of Presidential Library.

Azərbaycan-Çin: diplomatik əlaqələr qurulmasının 10 ili
  • 2002
Azərbaycan-Türkiyə münasibətləri: 1920-1922
  • AzAtaM
  • 2002
Руководство Генеральной конференции
  • 2002
ЮНЕСКО: цели, структуры, деятельность: хроника, факты и цифры
  • Рудомино
  • 2002
Avropa Şurası və Azərbaycan: sülh, əmin-amanlıq və demokratiya naminə
  • Nurol
  • 2001
Azərbaycan-Rusiya münasibətlərində yeni mərhələ
  • Qismət
  • 2001
Beynəlxalq münasibətlərdə diasporların rolu
  • Əliyev Zaur Bilal oğlu
  • Nurlan
  • 2001
Diplomatik lüğət
  • Məmmədov Adış Sakit oğlu
  • 2001
Qarabağ konflikti ABŞ-ın qlobal siyasəti kontekstində
  • İsmayılov Füzuli Cahangir oğlu
  • Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası NPB
  • 2001
Sülhə aparan yollar
  • Nurol
  • 2001
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